Neue PostDoc-Ausschreibungen

The Global South Studies Center (GSSC) at the University of Cologne (UoC)

is pleased to announce 1 post-doc position (100 %TVL-13), starting from 1 October 2015 or earlier. The GSSC is part of the UoC's Institutional Strategy "Meeting the Challenge of Change and Complexity"

For further information on the GSSC and the research areas,
please see


The International Post-Doc Initiative (IPODI) is part of the gender equality strategy of the Technische Universität Berlin and aims at increasing the number of female researchers in leadership positions. The IPODI Fellowship Programme is open to outstanding female researchers of all nationalities and from all fields of research represented at the TU Berlin. IPODI Fellows will find excellent research conditions in one of the seven faculties of the TU Berlin. IPODI awards

Seven Incoming Postdoctoral Fellowships (salary in the range of E 13/14 TV-L).


Fellowships for Postdocs and experienced researchers: 
Are you a highly qualified Postdoc or experienced researcher from a developing country or emerging economy? The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation programme supports up to 80 researchers in all disciplines with a Georg Forster Research Fellowship. Applications can be submitted at any time:


Open Call: Postdoc Positions in Systems Biology 
The Center for Systems Biology Dresden invites applications for its Postdoc programme. The Center is an initiative of the Max Planck Society in collaboration with the TU Dresden. Candidates with a strong background in Computational Biology, Theoretical Physics, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Computer Science or Cell & Developmental Biology can apply until 20 August 2015:

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